Wilson Juneteenth Festival
Saturday, June 15, 2024
TOISNOT PARK, 11:00 AM – 8:00 PM
1500 Corbett Ave, Wilson, NC 27893
Rain date: June 22
Presented by Mt. Hebron Masonic Lodge #42
Application deadline: May 24, 2024
Vendor & Booth Application
Booth Types:
Non Profit (display only no sales) - $75
Beverage Vendor (selling drinks only) - $125
Merchant Vendor (selling items/raffle) - $125
Food Vendor - $150
Political Party or Candidate - $250
Contact Information:
(For speed and convenience, most communication will be done via email and website postings. Please check both regularly.)
Logistical Information:
Will your booth use a tent?
(only 10 ft X 10 ft tents are allowed and MUST BE WEIGHTED DOWN)
Due to NC Festival Fire Codes, food vendors that use a tent must purchase extra space to create a safety zone between vendors on both sides from other vendors. Therefor, most single food vendors using tents will need a double space and most double food vendors need a triple space.
Booth Size: Booth space will be 10 ft X 12 ft, designed only for 10' X 10' tents.
Booth Utilities: Limited electricity is available for vendors and will be considered on an as-needed basis.
ALL generators must be whisper generators and PRE-APPROVED.
Does the operation of your booth require the use of a generator?
Are you able to use a generator if there is no electricity?
Do you have a whisper generator?
Do you have a sound/acoustic generator barrier or cover?
Vendor Information:
Applications are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. Application review includes quality and uniqueness of product, booth display, spirit of cooperation, and consideration to avoid duplication.
References: Please list other fairs, festivals, or events in which you have participated:
Booth Sales/Items: Give general description of items for sale. Photos required & submitted with application
NOTICE: The sale of Juneteenth t-shirts are PROHIBITED by vendors. The organizers, Mt Hebron Lodge, will sell t-shirts to support the costs of the festival. Any vendor selling Juneteenth themed items must be reviewed and approved for participation.
Festival Policies:
Make check payable to: Wilson Juneteenth Festival
Mail payment to: